02. A Toolkit as an instrument for football clubs.
In the past, the International Centre for Ethics in Sport (ICES) produced a Toolkit "Respect for Diversity", with support from the Government of Flanders, focusing on racism and the integration of new Flemish citizens through sport.
Equal Opportunities in Flanders is having a new Toolkit designed by ICES, which will concentrate on LGB people and football. This Toolkit is put together in cooperation with, amongst others, çavaria, the umbrella organisation of Flemish and Brussels LGBT associations, the Centre for Equal Opportunities and Opposition to Racism and several football partners.
The Toolkit is above all a practical instrument. On the one hand, it outlines the 'theory', supplemented with facts and figures. On the other hand, it is also a practical instrument for organisations when they are planning to set up actions against homophobia.
- The Toolkit contextualises the problem, gives an overview of (inter)national organisations which have specialised in this matter (such as FARE, Alliantie Gelijkspelen, Paris Foot Gay and Football vs Homophobia,…) and describes examples of actions, both home and abroad, that may serve as a source of inspiration (like “Homofobie? Geen bal aan!” of the vzw Hattrick from Mechelen, in cooperation with KV and Racing Mechelen).
- A customised training programme is developed which can be used when training coaches, referees, stewards or safety representatives, but which is also a handy tool for clubs and their managements or supporters' groups. The purpose of the training is to raise awareness about this subject and give a steer for discussion on the theme.
- In addition, the Toolkit elaborates on the concrete actions club managements, football federations and leagues, coaches, supporters' groups, referees, etc. can take to combat discrimination, and homophobia in particular, in football.